Subscriptions for ambitious businesses
Fanspay Billing is the fastest way for your business to bill customers with subscriptions. Capture more revenue, support new products, and accept recurring payments globally.
Just 1%
No setup fees and
no monthly minimums.
Excellent UI
Customer completes payment in just 2 clicks.
Fast integration
Developer-friendly tools
for easy integration.
Revenue growth
Accept payments worldwide, no limits, no borders.
Save time and resources spent on billing
Provide your subscribers with the best crypto experience they will enjoy
Trial period
Customer portal
Let customers start a customer’s subscription with a free trial period. With a trial period, customers can test out your product or service before committing to a longer-term subscription.
Let customers change their subscription or update billing details by sharing a secure link to Fanspay’s prebuilt customer portal. Tailor your customer portal with your logo and brand colors.
How it works?
Connect a wallet
Select blockchain and stablecoin
Allow token
Sign transaction
Easy integration
Developer-friendly tools for easy integration via hosted payments, eCommerce platforms and more.
Unified API
Build once and get all features and payments methods using our flexible, fast and reliable API.
Global payments built-in
Programmatically trigger actions based on lifecycle events like upgrades, payments, and cancellations.
Accept any payment method with our unified API-no one-off integrations or separate contracts required.
Stop compromising between billing needs and engineering bandwidth
With Fanspay’s prebuilt interfaces and billing components, you can easily launch optimized billing experiences without diverting engineering resources from your core product.
Increase your customers LTV with Subscriptions
More revenue
Fanspay Billing is the fastest way for your business to bill customers with subscriptions.
We support all popular blockchains and wallets
Get started with Fanspay today
Try Fanspay or request a demo and
we will answer any questions you have.

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