Payment link in a minute
Create a full payment page in just a few clicks and share the link with your customers - no code required
Just 1%
No setup fees and no monthly minimums.
No code
Use payment links to sell online without a website.
Smooth UX
Customer completes payment in just 2 clicks.
Accept payments worldwide, no limits, no borders.
Why Payment link?
How it works?
Create a link
You can use Payment Links to sell products or services and to collect donations.
Share the link
Share the link as many times as you want on social media, in emails, or on your website.
Get paid
Use the Dashboard or email to be notified of a successful payment.
We built Checkout so you don’t have to
Fanspay Checkout is a prebuilt, hosted payment page optimized for conversion. Whether you offer one-time purchases or subscriptions, use Checkout to easily and securely accept payments online.
Service providers
Sell your products and services without the expense to integrate a payment processing and to develop payment page
Online education
We support all popular blockchains and wallets
Get started with Fanspay today
Try Fanspay or request a demo and
we will answer any questions you have.

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